At ReCoup, Inc. we offer housing assistance, Community popups, Adopt-A-Family programs, and Goody bags to uplift the community.
We provide housing assistance through rental and mortgage payments, including security deposits and downpayments for people who struggle with homelessness, joblessness, and housing costs.
We believe that no one deserves to be sleeping on the street. Through this program, we help low-income people and families to avoid homelessness and live a more sustainable lifestyle.
We facilitate neighborhood events that are focused on providing food, clothing, household goods, school supplies, haircuts & braiding to under-privileged residents in the local community.
Through our community popups, more people can have access to their basic needs and together we can uplift the community. Our ultimate goal is to be able to host community popups across the country in different cities.
Through the Adopt-A-Family program, we assist and support families in the local homeless shelter system. We provide the support needed for them to bridge the gap to self-sufficiency.
By supporting a local family with basic needs, you can create a better lifestyle and a brighter future. Our goal is to touch the lives of families across the country. Together we can reach more people and make a bigger impact.
We provide goody bags which may include sandwiches, fruits, snacks, drinks, gift cards, toiletries and other goodies to those in need.
We believe that everyone should have access to the basic necessities of life. We want to make sure that no-one is left behind. We also facilitate food drives, back-to-school events, and more.
Would you like to learn more or get involved with our programs? Feel free to get in touch.